Blog Entries

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What We're Reading: "Paper Girls Volume 1" by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, Jared K. Fletcher, and Matthew Wilson

The year is 1988. Tween newspaper delivery girl Erin is biking through her tiny Ohio town in the pre-dawn light the morning after Halloween, when she’s accosted by three teen boys who are still wearing costumes and causing trouble in the neighborhood. As the boys surround Erin, making violent and even sexual advances, the rest of the newspaper girls arrive. Mac, Tiffany, and KJ are all old hands at delivering newspapers and confronting dumb teenagers, and, armed with hockey sticks and barbed tongues, they’re able to drive the boys off into the night.

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Summer Activities for Teens at the Library

Summer is finally here and what an awesome time to be a teen! After a year that pushed all the boundaries of patience and stress, you can finally breathe free and roam a bit! Better yet, you can breathe free inside and outside with groups of friends and in public places. It’s time to meet up with friends once again and make some fun plans. But now that you have all this freedom, what are you going to do with yourself?

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New and Improved Osage Branch Building

We did it!  The Osage Branch is alive and well in its new location at 22 Library Lane, Linn, MO.  Although we have had to make adjustments, we are currently providing full library services.

One big change from our old location to our new location is that we are now open on Mondays!  Our new hours are Monday-Friday 9 AM – 6 PM and Saturday 9 AM-1PM.

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Security Tips from STI Technology Solutions

STI Technology Solutions has been a long time event sponsor of the Foundation Mini Golf Fundraiser. They are writing a guest blog here today to share some security tips with you! 

 Be Cautious of Links

  • Be suspicious of any links in emails. These are common ways for criminals to get your personal information

 Vary your Passwords

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Erin Hart Named 2021 Library Ambassador of the Year

As part of National Library Week, Missouri River Regional Library will honor Erin Hart from KAT Country as the 2021 Library Ambassador of the Year.  Hart is an avid library user, and consistently shares about the work the library is doing, both in the community and on social media.

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Missouri River Regional Library Celebrates National Library Week

Missouri River Regional Library will join with libraries across the nation in celebrating National Library Week April 5-10, 2021.  This is the 63rd year that libraries have celebrated NLW. 

“National Library Week is a chance for us to highlight our impact on the community,” says Claudia Cook, Director. “It is also a great time to celebrate our patrons, and welcome back members of the community who haven’t visited us recently.” 

  • All week long:

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Readers Respond—Winter Words Recommendations

More than 100 readers participated in the 2020 Winter Words Adult Reading Club. They read hundreds of books in all fiction genres and nonfiction categories. We asked the participants to name a book they read in 2020 that they’d recommend to other readers. Their recommendations follow: 

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Have you guys canceled my account?

(Spoiler Alert: No)

Many of our phone calls and more than an occasional patron ask variations of the same question:

I was trying to (insert action here) and it said – voice rising questioningly -- my library card had expired?

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What We're Reading: "The Brave" by James Bird

Compulsion rules Collin’s life. He can’t stop himself from counting the number of letters in words spoken to
him. Nor can he stop himself from announcing those totals to the speaker. If he tries to stop, he becomes
overwhelmed. Life has been extremely difficult for Collin because of his struggle with Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder. He has been raised first by his grandparents and then his father, but his OCD has made him too
much for them to handle. His grandparents gave up on him very early on, and now his father has finally

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