Reading Buddies Application Submission
Please contact Courtney Waters at 573-634-6064 ext. 248 or watersc@mrrl.org if you have any questions about the program.
Applications are accepted on a first come basis.
What is Reading Buddies?
The Reading Buddies Program is a literacy-based program that pairs kindergarten, first, and second grade students with teen and community volunteers who have been trained to help young readers. Children will meet with their Reading Buddy once a week to read together and do fun group activities in order to help boost reading levels and reading self-esteem. The Reading Buddies Program is designed to give children extra reading practice one-on-one with a mentor and to make the reading experience fun! We will be celebrating reading by doing creative projects, as well as providing snacks and literacy based games.
The application deadline has passed! We're excited to work with you all this summer! Develop responsibility, leadership, and communication skills while serving your community and make a difference in children’s lives. The first session will be Tuesday, June 4th, 2024, and the program will end on Tuesday, July 30th, 2024. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Lydia Gallagher or Courtney Waters at the Missouri River Regional Library at (573) 634-2464, watersc@mrrl.org or gallagherl@mrrl.org.
Little Buddies
The application deadline has passed! We're excited to work with you all this summer! The first session will be Tuesday, June 4th, 2024, and the program will end on Tuesday, July 30th, 2024.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Lydia Gallagher or Courtney Waters at the Missouri River Regional Library at (573) 634-2464, watersc@mrrl.org or gallagherl@mrrl.org.