Attitudes and Latitude @ the Osage Branch

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Program Type:

Osage County Events

Program Description


Vivian Carwile will have her art show entitled "Attitudes and Latitude" on display in the Woodland Art Gallery at the Osage County Library from April 2 through May 30.  Vivian is the mother of four children (son, daughters, and in-laws), and seven grandchildren. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Education-Art from Lincoln University in 2001. She retired from teaching elementary art after serving St. Joseph Cathedral School and several other area Catholic grade schools. Vivian has won several awards including Jefferson City Art Club adult art exhibit Best of Show in 2000, Florence Guehlman Watercolor Award in 2018, Missouri State Fair MO Top 50 in 2019, 2020, and 2021, third place in the JCAC Plein Air event of 2023, second place in the 2024 Plein Air event, and was selected to appear in the CP Hidden Treasures 7th annual publication.

A reception in Vivian's honor will be on Tuesday, April 8 from 5:00-6:30 pm with light refreshments served.

Below is Vivian's artist statement:

Welcome to my world of art, my source of boundless happiness, self expression and self-discovery.  Here I will showcase the past with current works and provide a glimpse of the yet to unveil future.  My theme "Attitudes and Latitude" attempts to explain how attitude, be it positive or negative, can significantly impact latitude, with its meaning of scope for freedom of action or thought.

With the help of gifted instructors, consistency, and determination to stay creative, I was allowed the freedom to be swept away into any place, time or subject matter of my choosing with only the brush stroke of paint.  My preferred mediums continue to be watercolor, acrylics, and pastels.  I range from traditional watercolor methods to the use of acrylic bold contemporary brushstroke works.  Some pieces combine the use of both methods formulating an original style while the use of pastel may be used on its own or joined with an underwash of water-based paint.                                

This journey has not come about easily, but through time, trial and error, pain, disappointment, prayer, realignment and finally belief in self.  As in art, we are all God's works in progress, constantly evolving and hopefully improving.  Art gives me the joy of seeing our world in many different ways.  Then, it again gives me the opportunity to turn a blank canvas into a product of love and joy to be shared with all who gaze upon that vision.  Georgia O'Keeffe says it best.  "I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for."                                                                                       

--Vivian Carwile