Blog Entries

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The Saggy Middle

Did you start off January with a bang full of great ideas and resolutions for improving your life? Are you getting to the sagging middle of the month unsure of whether or not you will complete your resolutions? Why do we start of the new year with such energy only to have it waver by February?


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The Fuss on Fines and Fees

Our library has overdue fees, also known as “fines”  It’s certainly not a favorite aspect of my job. I’ve seen people who recognize me from the library panic at the sight of me and skip aisles in the grocery store only to later approach me in the checkout line to confess: “I know I have overdue fees!

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Staff Traditions

We asked our staff to tell us about some of their favorite holiday traditions. What started out as a fun post on social media turned into staff sharing some of their favorite memories with each other. We hope you will share your favorites with us too!


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Krampus and St. Nicholas

It’s beginning to look a lot like Krampus, everywhere I go.  


In recent years, Krampus has been catching on in the United States, but not in the correct way.  There are many movies and books that scratch the surface of our horned friend and blow his reputation out of proportion.

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Simpler Christmas

Regardless of what you call those special days at the end of the year – Christmas, Hanukah, holidays (even Festivus!) – you are being encouraged to shop, spend, give, party, and visit.

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Gift Ideas for Readers

With the holidays upon us, it's time to think about buying presents for our people, right? Some of the best gifts you can give a reader are ones related to authors and titles they love.  The following is a list of websites that will help you locate a unique literary or book themed gift idea for the bibliophile in your life. Have fun! Buy a little something for yourself...or perhaps, your favorite librarian?

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Missouri River Regional Library Annex Offices Relocate

Due to elevated mold counts in the Missouri River Regional Library Annex, the Library staff must relocate. The administrative team will be moving to 308 E. High Ste. 208, while the Tech Services, IT, Adult Services, and Teen Services staff will be relocating into previously public spaces and other staff space in the Main Library.

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The Tao of Music

Music is universal.  We may not all have the same tastes in music, but we can experience music in any language.  Music is said to move mountains. I know it feeds my soul.  The sound and style of music often changes to mirror the events of the world.  

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Halloween at the Library!

The weather has finally cooled off, pumpkin spice is officially in everything, and Halloween is quickly approaching! We don’t know about you, but this is one of our favorite seasons, and we are celebrating all month long at both branches! Make plans to attend one (or all!) of our programming, and be sure to check out your favorite Halloween-inspired film or book!

Main Library (Jefferson City, MO)


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What We're Reading: "Flood" by Meslissa Scholes Young

This year’s Capital READ title is by Melissa Scholes Young, a Hannibal native who now lives in Washington, DC, and teaches creative writing at American University. She explores the universal theme of escape and going home again in her first novel, Flood.

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How To Dye Your Own Silk Scarf

MRRL offers a variety of crafting programs throughout the year. One of our very popular programs was the recent Silk Scarf Dyeing. If you would like to dye a silk scarf at home, here are the instructions we used at the program!

Supplies needed:
Silk Scarf
Acid-Based Dyes
Warm Water
Plastic Bag
Microwave Oven

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