Blog Entries

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Season of the Witch

This is my favorite time of year, the Autumn/Mabon season. The Fall crops are harvesting, leaves are crisp, pumpkins, and finally Halloween and Samhain. In Jefferson City every time you take a deep breath, the air is cool and clean. Some people call this time of year, “The Season of the Witch”.

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What Do Hackers Want?

The first vision that comes to my mind when I think of a hacker is the mysterious loner, wearing a hoodie twenty-four hours a day, drinking energy drinks by the gallon, and staring at fifty computers at once.  I either seen too many movies or my vision is correct.  Think of Chris Hemsworth in the movie, Blackhat; he sometimes fits this description.

In reality most hackers use sophisticated hardware and software to do the heavy lifting.  Some hackers work for the government, some are loners but most are a group of people who communicate and help each other.

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Gotta Find It? Let Us Help!

You may not know MRRL has access to much more than you can see on the shelves. 

And that’s not all! We have ways to help you -- even when you’re not sure what you’re looking for.

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Monitoring Your Child's Digital Footprint

Monitoring your child’s phone may seem like an invasion of privacy, but you have to keep in mind the opportunities and accessibilities kids have to indulge in inappropriate behavior, or be exposed to inappropriate content. Keep reading if you want to learn how to monitor and control your child’s access to technology.

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Databases Are My Friend

I spend a lot of time on the computer, writing plays, and working on my blog; life is so much easier for me when I double and triple check facts using the library databases.

EbscoHost is a wealth of information with all the different sites I can access.  ERIC is a database which has all sorts of educational literature, an ebook section which is mainly nonfiction books, and many databases under this one name. 

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Grab A Bigger Book Bag

I’m a huge picture book enthusiast.  Story time is one of my FAVORITE times.  Reading to my little one at home is a big highlight of my day.


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What We're Reading: "Shout" by Laurie Halse Anderson

Twenty years ago, Laurie Halse Anderson felt driven by a voice in her to write a book about a young girl who was raped just before she entered high school. This book was Speak.  It sparked much controversy and many conversations about the trauma of rape and rape culture.

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We want you to read a thousand books!

What would you say if I told you I want you to read 1000 books to your child? What if I gave you a deadline of before they enter kindergarten? Sound impossible?  It is actually pretty simple and you may already be well on your way.

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Jump on this K-Pop Train!

So let me first start this out with the fact that, at first I was slightly embarrassed by my obsession with K-Pop. And I use the word obsession because that's exactly what it is. Clearly I'm no longer afraid to express my love of K-Pop. Why you ask? Because it's awesome! Like no joke, the best thing in existence. So let me to take you to the beginning:

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