Wilder Girls

Wilder Girls

Book Title:
Wilder Girls
Rory Power

The Raxter School for Girls in Maine has been put under quaranteen. The girls there are being transformed by the Tox. Some girls come out of it ok, but others do not survive their transformations. Food has been getting scarcer and things have been going on for a long time. The girls form groups to help each other survive because the Tox isn't just transforming them but the world around them as well. When Hetty's best friend Byatt goes missing she is determined to find out what happened to her and what is going on at Raxter. 

There is a lot to like here. It is very isolated and we are dropped into the middle of the plague with no explanations. The girls' transformations are bizarre and deadly and painful. And we know there are secrets being kept from the girls and from the reader. What caused the Tox? Why have they been isolated by the military? Why do girls disappear? What is in the food? And there lies my main complaint about the book. I expected at least a few answers and got none. I am not sure if this is the beginning of a series but it definitely reads like one. The ending is abrupt and without explanation.