A Very Large Expanse of the Sea

A Very Large Expanse of the Sea

Book Title:
A Very Large Expanse of the Sea
Tahereh Mafi

Long-listed for the YA National Book Award this book takes place in 2002, just after 9/11 and it chronicles the path of a young Muslim girl named Shirin. Shirin and her family have just moved, again, and once again she must endure the awkward stares, rude and racist comments and even some physical abuse because of the hajib she chooses to wear. Keeping her battle armor up and her head down is the only way Shirin knows how to maneuver through her day. That works for her until she meets Ocean. Ocean works to get Shirin to let him in even though she knows it will end in disaster.

This was a great book about what racism and bullying can be like for a young Muslim in these days of intolerance. It would be a great read to promote diversity and empathy which is much needed in the world today.