Truly, Devious

Truly, Devious

Book Title:
Truly, Devious
Maureen Johnson

When Stevie Bell gets into the exclusive Ellingham Academy she knows her life will never be the same. Established by the millionaire Albert Ellingham in the 1930's, the Academy was supposed to be a haven for gifted or out of the ordinary students. There is mystery and tragedy surrounding the Academy however, because in 1936, Ellingham's wife and daughter were kidnapped and a student murdered. The crimes were never solved. Stevie's passion is true crime and detective work so she is determined to solve the decades old mysteries surrounding the Ellingham's. The mystery goes deeper than just the kidnappings and murder though as strange things begin happening on campus and Stevie sets out to solve those mysteries as well.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I am not a huge reader of mysteries or suspense novels. It was a page turner that kept me guessing and I can't wait for the next round.