

Book Title:
Sarah Beth Durst

Mina is eagerly awaiting the hatching of her egg. In this world dragons control different aspects of the weather like rain, snow, wind, sun and lightning. Children are paired with the dragons and control all aspects of the weather. When Pixit hatches and it is revealed he is a lightning dragon Mina's family is skeptical. They can't believe she is fiesty enough for lightning. But soon Mina is at the lightning school learning how to work with Pixit. It is at school that Mina learns some interesting information about what the controlled weather is doing to the lands around them. Mina and her friends are determined to fix things. 

I have mixed feelings about this book. I loved the world Durst created. The dragons that control aspects of the weather and the perfect climate the create in their country. I also really liked the fact that there were consequences for that perfect climate. What I wasn't as thrilled about was Mina herself. Her self-doubt is almost crippling and while it is understandable in the beginning it gets old and repetitive after a while. I wanted her to grow and develop way more than she did. Her slow development made the leap she made at the end seem almost too big. I also thought it was just a bit strange that the kids were paired with dragons for life, but the dragons were only useful for a couple of years.

Publication Date: May 2019