Sisters of Glass

Sisters of Glass

Book Title:
Sisters of Glass
Naomi Cyprus

Nalah is the daughter of a glassmaker in a world where magic is outlawed. She should be a glassmaker like her father, but somehow her magic has gone wrong and she breaks things uncontrollably. Halan is the daughter of a king in a world where magic rules all. She has no magic. There worlds collide when Nalah is forced to enter Halan's world to find her father. It surprises them both when they discover that they are the same person from different worlds. Together they will defeat the evil magic wielders and save the people. 

I liked the concept of mirror worlds that were divided by a magical cataclysm. I like the fact that there are people in both worlds that mirror each other and complement each other as well. Of course that system can be abused by those with power. It is interesting how the girls both have to come to terms with their family situations and their magical abilities. It is a wonderful fantasy world that I hope still has stories to tell.