Paradoxes of Time Travel

Paradoxes of Time Travel

Book Title:
Paradoxes of Time Travel
Ryan Wasserman

Is time travel possible? In H.G. Wells' The Time Machine, when the traveler goes forward in time in his laboratory, why would he disappear from that single location? What happens if a man kills his grandfather? These and other questions are explored by many science- and physics-oriented books. Ryan Wasserman, a professor of philosophy at Western Washington University, found interest in his classes over time paradoxes, which he eventually expanded into a course. This text, bolstered by extensive footnotes and references, draws heavily from Back to the Future, Harry Potter and other film references, using these and other examples to suggest how (and how well) philosophy can explain them. The reading can at times be pretty challenging, but even a casual reader can appreciate how reason and logic are used in investigating paradoxical questions.