The Night Diary

The Night Diary

Book Title:
The Night Diary
Veera Hiranandani

Nisha is given the diary as a gift from Kazi their cook. She lives in India in 1947 with her father, grandmother and twin brother. Her mother died in childbirth and Nisha writes letters to her in the diary. India is being given self rule from England and is breaking apart into India and Pakistan. The Muslims will be going to Pakistan and the Hindus to India. Unfortunately, Nisha and her family live in what is to be Pakistan and are Hindus. Or more specifically half-Hindu, half-Muslim. Her mother was Muslim and her father Hindu. But they have always gotten along with everyone in their village and Nisha can't understand why everyone is fighting. Their 100 mile trek to the border is dangerous but they eventually make it. The diary entries details Nisha's struggle with her identity, her questions about her country, her desire for her mother and her fear on their journey. It is very realistically portrayed and easily relateable for young readers. I find Partition a fascinating subject and am always willing to learn more about it.