The Magnificent Flying Baron Estate

The Magnificent Flying Baron Estate

Book Title:
The Magnificent Flying Baron Estate
Eric Bower

WB (Waldo) Baron wakes up one morning to find his house floating through the sky. As his inventor parents explain, they have joined a race across the country. So they set off from Arizona to Chicago where the race will begin. It is in Chicago that they are kidnapped by Rose Blackwood, sister of the famous bandit Benedict Blackwood. She wants to win the race so she can use the $500 prize to hire criminals to free her brother. The only thing is she is not much of a criminal herself. Together Rose and WB complete the race despite WB being the clumsiest kid in the world. There are plenty of shenanigans during the race and after when they encounter Benedict quite free from jail.

This was an absurd adventure but quite enjoyable to read. WB and Rose are quite the pair and their shenanigans are quite funny. Not a lot of substance and very little real science (do not believe WB on how time zones work!), but a quick, fun read nonetheless.