The Girl Who Married A Skull and Other African Stories

The Girl Who Married A Skull and Other African Stories

Book Title:
The Girl Who Married A Skull and Other African Stories
C. Spike Trotman, Kate Ashwin, Kel McDonald, Taneka Scott (editors)

This graphic novel is a collection of African tales each illustrated by a different artist. The art in most of the stories was very interesting and well done. I did find some issues with the stories themselves and I felt the first half of the book was much stronger than the second half. There was no real rhyme or reason to the collection. Some of the tales felt too short and there was a science fiction based one that I felt didn't fit at all. Not to say there wasn't some of them I really enjoyed. Overall, I think it is a book worth picking up if you are interested in tales from other countries and the artwork alone is worth a look.