Follow This Thread: A Maze Book to Get Lost In
How do you research the world of mazes and labyrinths? Eliot provides history, philosophies, stories, and personalities of this fascinating topic in a book that is not only informative but also a unique reading experience. As you hold the book upside down, right-side up and sideways in order to read it, the reader experiences the sensation of wandering through a maze. The illustrator Quibe primarily uses a unbroken single red thread that weaves its way throughout the entire book. And just as solving a maze is a process of exploring paths and discovering dead ends, the story jumps from one topic to another, here the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, there the construction of a maize maze, and then jumping to James Bond or Alice in Wonderland before returning to an earlier topic -- or not. This is truly an interactive read from start to finish.