Every Heart a Doorway

Every Heart a Doorway

Book Title:
Every Heart a Doorway
Seanan McGuire

Nancy has just arrived at Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children. This is not your normal boarding school. It is a school for children who have traveled to other worlds and for one reason or another been sent back to their original world. These kids no longer fit in and miss their "homes". Nancy was in a world of the dead and when students start turning up dead she is suspected. It is up to her and her newfound friends to figure out who is killing everyone before the school has to be closed. 

This book was almost too short. I wanted to know more about the students and the worlds they traveled to. I thought the world building was fantastic and really do want to explore it more. However, I thought the murder plot was very rushed. There needed to be more character development as some of it was very repetitive. I am interested to read other books in this series but do hope they improve.