

Book Title:
Hope Larson

It's that time of summer again. Time for Abby to go back to summer camp but when she gets there, nothing is the same. Her best friend, Rose, is now a cabin assistant and has very little time for her. Her other friends from years past are boy crazy and they share few interests. It's not until Shasta comes to camp that she finds anyone to talk to but the other girls don't like Shasta.

This graphic novel was not the best. There were huge holes in the story and things that just didn't quite make sense to me. One of those things was a cabin mate getting sent home for having chigger bites. It was just kind of a passing anecdote and I felt it was created just to make room for Shasta. I also had problems with Shasta's storyline with the lightening strike and all. Maybe I just didn't understand the D and D references but this graphic just wasn't for me.