Program Description
Elijah Burrell will attempt to answer the age-old question: "What makes good poetry?" Having been asked this question many times by students, family members, friends, and just about everybody who has ever read a poem, Burrell has found there is no true answer to this subjective question, As usual, though, trying to answer an interesting question is half the fun. Before we arrive at a definition for "great poetry," we must decide what actually makes something a poem (or even slightly poetic). Join us as we take up these fun, impossible tasks!
Burrell is the author of two poetry collections: The Skin of the River, published in 2014, and TROUBLER, published in 2018. He received the 2010 Jane Kenyon Scholarship at Bennington College, where he earned an MFA in writing and literature at Bennington's Writing Seminars. His writing has appeared in publications such as AGNI, North American Review, Southwest Review, The Rumpus, Sugar House Review, Measure, and many others. An associate professor of English at LU, Burrell teaches creative writing and literature.
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