Claudia Visnich Named 2022 Library Volunteer of the Year
Missouri River Regional Library will honor Claudia Visnich as the 2022 Library Volunteer of the Year at the annual MRRL Friends meeting on January 28th at 10am at Missouri River Regional Library. Visnich has served as the MRRL Friends President the last two years and was an active member prior to that.
During her time in the MRRL Friends group, Visnich has volunteered to help at various library programs and many of the library’s special events, including Summer Reading kick-off parties, Kids’ Fest, and National Library week’s patron appreciation day. She is a monthly assistant at Friday Night films, welcoming patrons upon their arrival at the front doors.
“Visnich is a librarian herself and truly understands the importance of library programs and services in our community,” says Clauda Young, Director. “She cares about helping both staff and patrons, and has given a great deal of her time to make sure the library staff has the extra programming assistance they need from the MRRL Friends. Visnich is a very service oriented person and someone the library can count on, and it is a pleasure to work with her on the MRRL Friends board.”
Previous award recipients include Kathlene Woodruff in 2020 and Myrana Gibler in 2019.